There can be many possible stories regarding this picture.Let's try to write one.
No. of characters 3(1 man and 2 women )
Background Dinning table , Restaurant or House
Age of Characters All 3 are young fellows or 1 young man,1young woman and 1 old lady.
Reaction and posture of characters Characters seems to discuss some topic
There are many stories i can create out of it but let's go for the first thing comes into my mind.
Usha, a young and happily married woman lives in Delhi.Her husband runs a small Restaurant there.(INTRODUCTION OF MAIN CHARACTER).
She was fond of helping poorer sections of society.So she used to run a school for poor children on a very low monthly charges.Once her husband business fall badly and the life became difficult for them.Her mother-in- law pressurized her to sell the school building to a firm for big profit.But the pressure was not enough against her will and nobility.She refused to do so and discussed the issue with her husband. Her husband told her to carry her good works as ups and downs are a part of business.(BODY,in past tense).
She continued her school and with the time her husband business settles down.The story shows her hard determination and full intentions to carry on the task of uplift-meant of society.(CONCLUSION)
Now this is a short,simple,practical and quickly made 3 min. story, shows many qualities of your central character. who is representing yourself in the story.
anil sir ur blogs for ssb interview helps me a lot to chk my abilities......thanks....plz give ur valueable tips 4 UES campus interview for army...army is cmng to my university cmpus on 6 sep
ReplyDeletethe man named raghu have jus got married to a gal named ria and suddenly he got a call from one of his chilhood friend kirti who had gone to US for her studies and got married over there to congratulate him and to inform that she will be coming india by tomorrow so the raghu and his wife took her to the restaurant for a dinner after she comes back to india.
ReplyDeletehi garima
ReplyDeletethanks for your time but there is a lot of things going on in the story, your contents are relatively less.
Ramu{21} and her sister rupali{18} were going to market to buy rakhi's were day after tommarow is Raksha bandhan.while they r going they saw a old friend simran{18}.After seeing them they thought to sit and discuss about the past life's of there.Then ramu took them to restuarant for small chit chat....
ReplyDeletehi Bhanu
ReplyDeletePlease try to make a story, you are just describing a Scene.
rajiv , was a young graduate who recently joined a resturent as a manager .one day , two laies who were of rajiv's age only , came to his resturent and were looking little tensed and worried.both of them ordered there drinks ..while having there drinks one of them started crying .rajiv was just sitting near by and went to ask what happened to the lady.they told him that they are new in town , and have lost there luggage and came here to meet thier relative.rajiv handed them the phone directory , where they searched fr the num of thier relative , who lived in the other part of town.so he also arranged a taxi for the ladies ,and also loged a complain at near by police station .after two days thier luggage was recovered ..
ReplyDeletehi rachit
ReplyDeleteit's a good story. Try one more at http://interviewexperts.blogspot.com/2011/09/picture-perception-test.html
ReplyDeleteaman was from the poor family but he was hard working student.he got placed in MNC company through campus interview.he perform same in the company he complete his project before the due date. he get rewarded by the company MD with cash prize and certificate and he celebrate this happy moment with his sister and mother in the restaurent.his mother get proud by lookoing his son performance.
ReplyDeletea young man get a job and want to celebrate with his family thats for why he want in restaurent with his mother and his prionce and treat them.
ReplyDeleteAnil sir i had made an effort on the story of link http://interviewexperts.blogspot.com/2011/09/picture-perception-test.html plz have some comments there to improve ma performance
ReplyDeleteRamanuj was a teacher.he was very brilliant in his subject. he always helped not only students but also other teachers.he was very kind to give tuition to weak students on free of cost. once managing director of Delhi public school came to met him in near resort and offered for teaching in her school on big salary. but he refused the proposal and spent life for weak students.for this sincerity ,he was selected best teacher and gave award for best teacher.
ReplyDeleteMr.jayrajsinh jadeja was one reporter in news paper. he was a very smooth and lovely person . one case he was showed by one case solwed but this case others party he was talk to him and mr. jayrajsinh jadeja was arrange by court judge and this case lower mrs.latika any restaurant.here this picture scan and write story.
ReplyDeletepls reply
Thanks for this try too, no doubt you have that spirit but you need a little practice too. Work more on your Tenses.
ReplyDeleteMahesh was selected as Army Officer during last week. Her friends asked a party on this occasion. One day he planned to go a restaurant with Sushma and kavita. They met together in a restaurant and enjoyed their party. During the party, he suggested to their friends that Army is giving a great opportunity to women also as a Short Service Commission to improve their career in the Army. He suggested them to join in the Army for better future.
ReplyDeleteAnil was just promoted to be a manager of hotel Evalon.Soon the owner of the hotel Mrs.Sharma came for a visit along with their hotel's very important investor Mrs.Verma. Their during dinner they told anil that they might have to shut down the hotel because of the losses incurred. anil requested them to give him some time and promised them to make the hotel one of the best ones of the city. he worked very hard and made improvements in the hotel's policies and thanks to his hard work their hotel became one of the most popular ones across the city.
ReplyDeletesir please do comment on my story...
ReplyDeletehi rahul
ReplyDeleteI always tell visitors that your character is showing yourself. Now rahul tell me when Anil was manager then why this company was going down(simply because Anil was incapable).
Lets give one more try to this picture.
sir u had written nice story.....
ReplyDeleteif u dont mind can i put some points regarding any story writing...
1)the introduction of hero
2)crisis (in which crisis the hero is ri8 now)
3)overcome the crisis
4)social profits
5)+veness with winning attitude.
if we follow all these 5 points in any story we can make a difference...am i write please reply...
very nice Sumit.. well done.
Deleterahul, preeti and reena were very good frnds. preeti belonged to a poor family and lived with her poor widow mother. rahul however belonged to a rich family but was never proud of it.
ReplyDeleteone day when reena returned from her college she found that her mother had died. preeti and her friends were very sad . preeti was soon running out of money but she never asked anyone for help. rahul one day called reena and preeti to his home for lunch and told that he wud like to help reena financially untill she gets a job. at first reena didnt like it but finally agreed and thanked rahul a lot for this and promised to return all the money back in future...
central character:reena
sir plz help me as soon as possible. is this story correct?
Anil sir i had made an effort on the story of link http://interviewexperts.blogspot.com/2011/09/picture-perception-test.html under tag gbahl
ReplyDeletePlz give some comments as i am open to listen whatever you say..
Gaurav Bahl
mr. rajiv is the retired kernal in leading who help both the young girls .
ReplyDeletein this both the girls has to go to ssb interview .but they are little confused about the procedure of indian army.so that they meet to the kernel(uncle) to clear the concept of it. kernel tell the whole procedure of interview and ask them to work hard for selection.
for this both the girls thanks the kernel for its suggestion.
thanx anil sir
ReplyDeleteTHREE FRIENDS came to the restaurant for hanging out one of them is male whoose name is Terry. They are discussing something in the restaurant suddenly they heard a sound and saw that two men started fighting with the waiter for the wrong order. Then terry went their and take that order. And at last men also satisfied.
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ReplyDeleteStacy and julia a Archelogical studentsfrom france came to visit India.while travelling in a market a paaser buy teased both of them witnessing this Abhay resisted the other guy and protected atacy and julia and took them back to the their Hotel...Due to Abhay's kind help stacy and Julia invited him for dinner and they all spend quality time..
ReplyDeletePreeti was a b.tech student and a good athlete as well.while returning from her college with a friend she heard a woman screaming as a thief had snatched her purse and ran.Preeti quickly ran after him and finally caught him.seeing her effort other people came for her help and handed him to the police.Preeti then returned the purse to the woman and the woman invited her along with her friend for a coffee.
ReplyDeletesir please comment on my story
ReplyDeleteganesh was passed his ph.D degress from famous oxpord univery and he came to his home to india and he had not father. he had one sister and mother. After gettibg phd degree they were came to restaurant to party..
ReplyDeleteThe ANTONY was a mbbs student from a village after completion of his studies he decided to open a clinic in his village for poor people’s suffering in field areas ..he doesn’t have much more money to build up a clinic .he made a conversation with his friend and her mom who studied with him for mbbs, in a restaurant . the friend also have a such mind to help him she also interested to serve for the poor people her mom help financially to open the clinic it was very helpful for the farmers and villagers they were give the fruits and crops to the ANTONY for there happiness
ReplyDeletedear sir
ReplyDeleteIts first time writting with such patience and truely, that today ,i had given my af test and i was just searching for what kind of perception test are done u provided me with 100% ans..thanks u
please send some of those (don't mind please)
another story...........
ReplyDeletecharacters 3(1 man and 2 women)
Mukesh is a man of 30 years and has two sisters .HIs father had a settled business but during recession all business was lost and his father also died due to this when he was of the age just 17.Then he worked very hard for continuous of 12 years and reastablished his father's business and has just won a big contract.He is celebrating the moment with his sisters by having a lunch with them in a restaurant.
respected sir ... i got a call letter from Indian navy for campus interview, my cgpa is 6.4 and i m eligible to seat in the interview process, but last monday same interview process held in other clg, dey changed the criteria to 6.5 cgpa ,thus many candidates are driven out . pls help me on this sir , i have my interview this Saturday . pls do reply sir ...(others' replies r welcome nd aprreciated)
ReplyDeleteRavi was a calm n composed person.He was a brave airforce personell.Recently after serving India in a war nd bringing in huge success he is back home.he planned to meet his fiancee Ravina and a common best friend Reena for dinner..All of them mt at 7in eve at ravis house...sipped some wine before dinner as a toast.Meanwhile he told them about the emergency war that cropped up..how evryone bravely managed everythng within so less time.how quick and right drecisns were made and how they finally suucceded..both women sat there not even uttering a single word ,juz listening quitely...astonished by the amout of risk evryone tackled and how bravely he and his felloman brought success to our coountry.
ReplyDeleteCharacters in story- Ambuj(age-24), Neena(age-21), Tanya(age-21)
ReplyDeleteAmbuj, the main character of the story, was fond of Robotics since his college. He had a passion for army too. In order to attain his both goals, with rigorous hard work and efforts, he joined army. He started contributing in the field of robotics. He also decided to conduct workshops on robotics in various engineering colleges during his vacations. When he came home during his last vacations, he decided to conduct a robo workshop in the nearby college in his home town. Since the Student representative (president)of that college was to be consulted for that, he invited the college president and vice president on a dinner to discuss the same. Both the girls agreed for workshop. So, the meeting was a success.
ReplyDeletePlease give your valuable comments for my above story(ambuj,tanya and neena) and suggestions for further improvement.
The basic thing is to be positive in all situations....
ReplyDeleteVinni was 21years old b.tech graduate. her father was a drunker and everytime used to abuse her mother. her father was against vinni's studies but her mother wanted her to be an officer. vinni also had a dream to make her mother proud of her daughter. she wanted to join defence services. she got prepared and appeared in interview. she performed very well and got selected. afterward her father also felt sooryfor his behaviour and hugged her mother. den they went to a restarent to celebrate this moment.
ReplyDeletesir plz comment on my story
ReplyDeletethere was a young man named ranga who has recently completed his btech and doing jod as ast.manager. he attended the company part at the taj resturent and he is having a talk with his colleges. suddenly there was a fire accident in the resturent.almost all are able to get of out of the fire. but a small girl was stuck inside .so ranga again went inside and brought the girl out of there. and every one appritiated him for his courage and the risk he has taken.
ReplyDeleteRam was a ver brilliant student and want to continue his studies but due to financial problems he was not able to pay the fees so he started taking tution classes for weaker students at reasonable fee so that he will able to pay his fee and also help weaker students to pass exam wid gud numbers.since he now became a successful man and becoz of his interrst and way of teaching his classes become popular and more students started coming to his classes so he decidedto continue his classes and discussing the same with his frnds so that he will be able to takee his classes to next level and help more students to realize their dreams.
ReplyDeleteRahul was a scientist doing work on agricultural genetic coding for producing rice variety with high yielding. Rita and sunita were ph.d scholars working under him for this project.But unfortunately despite of all efforts they are facing very minute difficulty and they got notice to stop the project.But rita was not ready to give up but sunita and rahul was very upset ,so ,to lighten up their mood they go for coffee where they discussed every minute detail and right then Rita gets an idea of trasposon ,they leave restaurant in excitement and put the trasposon and variety produced which gave good result and gave food to millions.This all because of their intelligence ,courage and patience.
ReplyDeleteTo get past in ssb stage 1 testing write a story around characters and the theme need not to be neccessarily about armed forces and the story must have a past and a present and fruitfull future and positive results
ReplyDeleteFor Group Discussion 3 tips :
1. Give your clear veiws to the GROUP and not to the accessing officer and other officials
2. A general helpful tip :Encourage the most silent boy of your group to give his veiew to others
Word from 121 NDA recommended Cadet
Jacob a 24 yr old was working as business analyst in a company.Sarah and susan were his colleaguues. Susan is always tensed and seemed to be sad related to her career. Her performance seemed to be going down day to day. Jacob noticed this and discussed this with sarah and finally they made a plan. Jacob made arrangements for a new project work for the company with susan as its team head. It really shocked susan but jacob and sarah convinced her. Jacod told susan to be confident and all sort of help will be there from them, finally susan completed the project sucessfully. Jacob arranged a party for susan and sarah and at there he revealed that susan is going to represent as company representative for the international business expo. Susan thanked jacob and sarah for their all help.
ReplyDeleteRavi was 30 year old and a captain in Indian Army. Neha is 25 years old and pursuing her education. Both are in love and Neha comes to Ravi one day with all her belongings suggesting him to elope. Ravi dissuades her and tells her that it would be disastrous for her mother who would be left alone as her husband was not alive. He persuaded Neha to go with him and that they would talk to her mother together. Ravi tells the matter to the mother who becomes happy seeing his mannerism and his right decision making ability. She gives her consent to their marriage after Neha's studies are over. Neha studies, gets a job, Ravi becomes a Major and they marry with the mother's blessings.
ReplyDeleteHow was my story sir? I timed it and wrote in 3 minutes.
ankur was a young ambitious boy who used to use social media as a platform to find new friends.he was a wanderlust and used to love telling people of outside india about india.he used live in delhi,where he was employed.
ReplyDeleteonce he came to know a foreign friend,sasha who was coming to visit india from canada. Along with his girlfriend he went to receive her at airport and then became her host.in the night all three of them are having discussion about their cultures and are getting to know about each others places.Sasha got an impression of young hostile india and was willing to share her experiences over there in her country.
There was cheer and joy in the air.
ReplyDeleteGlasses in air...laughter occupied the room.It was the day long waited for pawan who after a 6 months was getting to see two most loved ones of his life one his younger princes riya his sister and other lady of his life sana.
Pawan is narrating all the time he spent there and the all motivation he got from sana all this while.
While sana is finding herself lucky to get pawan as his life partner..
Riya in her heart z praying for the couple to stay blessed.
Hi my story goes like this,
ReplyDeleteSargent Suresh retired ex air-force man was residing in his small home town,After his retirement period being a lover of nation he wanted to serve the society in some way so he started a restaurant. As days passed by the people in the neighbourhood were very happy.Just then a day arouse when RAMYA a young girl of age 25 overheard some people talking about the terrorist attack in their home town.She was perplexed on hearing this. She rushed to meet Sargent Suresh and wanted to seek his help.So she discussed the matter with him,Meanwhile Suresh seeked the help of his army friend RENU.Allthree gathered together in his restaurant and planned on it and caught the terrorist gang with all their might and they were severly punished and their home town was saved..And atlast all were happy
no. of character-3
1 person - 45(male)
2 person - 25(female)
3 person - 24(female)
sudhir is scientist doing his research on the hazards of the consumption of alcohol.
For his research he decided to visit a restaurant, there he finds that the two lady sita and geeeta were going to start drink alcohol so he goes to them and told many cons of drinking alcohol which are not known to them. after knowing this both the lady decided not to drink alcohol again. and also promise him that they will also help him to make aware other people to not drink alcohol.
rakesh is a 35 year young gentleman who is financially well off due to his restaurant business.he is dedicated and started the business from scratch.he found a compatible partner in neha who is 32 who owns a Boutiuqe.she is very creative and makes wedding gowns.Rita is a 33 year woman who is nehas childhood friend.Rita was a orphan and was raised by nehas parents.neha who was always a good friend to rita encourages her to work for a ngo,as rita had dreamt of.she believes rita is capable of doing the work to her fullest potential as Rita through her determination and hardwork become a successful entrepreunre.she has left the scars of her childhood days burried in the past when before nehas parents adopted her she knew how life in the sreet would be empty stomach and no roof to cover.therefore neha her husband and rita discuss how ngo would be started.neha took the opportunity to introduce rita to rakesh as a honour for having such a friend working for this noble cause.
ReplyDeleteManendra,who is 30 years old he was doing preparation for IAS but he failed 3 times and because of his failure he tried to attempt suicide but his wife prevent him to do so . his wife and mother give some suggestions to forget this sit by saying some inspirational words and all of they went to a restaurant and got fun then Manendra decided that he never try again so and again started his study with ful confidence
ReplyDeleteMr. Singh,the great businessman, was very poor and got married at early age and gave birth to a beautiful daughter named saarah Singh . he knew his capabilites and went to Mumbai for a new start of his career where he started a small scale business of driving. today he owns around 30 luxary cars and and wanted to spend his savings on his family for which he organised a five star dinner in cruise and cheered with glasses of wine.
ReplyDeleteRaju an engineer graduate and got married, works in a small corporate company. His dream is to become an officer in armed forces.His main problem is communicating in english language.So he was in tension how to overcome this problem. He shared his problem with his wife. Then his wife knows her friend who mastered in english language and she arranged a meeting with her friend and she agreed to help raju in this context. Then raju worked hard and finally learnt english language and got successful in achieving his dream of becoming an officer in armed forces.He after becoming an officer never quiet. He started helping those who were sailing in the same boat in which raju sailed long back and with this motto he helped many candidates who really got successful with the help of raju..
ReplyDeleteHi sir , here is my story on the picture of 3 ladies
ReplyDeleteIt was just another sad day for the them. For the past few months every day was the same. They were best friends and met regularly in the hotel. Their husbands were in army and had been called on duty as a war had started. Every day they discussed the scenarios of the war and the impact it had on their lives. Everyone of them though was deprived of love yet when they met the sorrows lessened. Everyday they meet and wait in hope that someday the war will be over...