Manual to Prepare for SSB Interview

A Complete manual to Prepare for SSB Interview

This is the best place to prepare for your SSB interviews. Be positive about your self and read all these pages thoroughly.

General Instructions


Psychological Test


Ground Tests






  1. a very gud afternun sir.. this is devan.. sir m doing graduation in hotelmanagemnt.. nd i want to join indian army. plz suggest me wt shold i do fr joing indian army.. jai hind

    1. hi

      You should Try through Direct Entry (CDS),,, this way you can join Indian Military Academy.

    2. Good evening sir,
      I m dipak, sir i have completed my BE in Information Technology, right now i m doing lectureship at polytechnic college. But i m not satisfied that job sir i want to join Indian naivy. some day's before i have filled IT officer form online and i have also sent that's application by post. But right now I have no more knowledge about how to give the exam and how could i prepare give me suggestion plz.

    3. You should try through direct entry. As you are a engineer graduate you have ample of opportunities your way to apply for the Indian defence forces. please visit the indian navy website and you will be provided with the complete information under he career link. Make sure you are 100% medically fit in every aspects when you aim for the defence forces. GO JOIN THEM- THEY NOT ONLY GIVE YOU A CAREER,THEY GIVE YOU A LIFE...

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    5. We at Indian Defence Academy(IDA Chandigarh) are providing SSB Coaching to the interested Students, thus enabling their placement in Army/Navy/Indian Air Force.

      • Candidate gets professionally Trained by the Experts (Ex. Defence Officers Served in SSB).
      • Actual Obstacles/Ground as they exist in SSB’s.
      • Latest Multimedia Class Rooms and Study Material.
      • Extensive Library with Research Resources.
      • Comfortable Accommodation and Hygienic Food.
      • Contact Indian Defence Academy Chandigarh
      On Mobile: 82880-43055

  2. sir if one has gone through laser treatment for his better vision (eyes)then is he able to join ima after clearing ssb interview? or he may have problem at medical test?

    1. Can I be eligible for ssc exam after scoring 60% marks after passing 12th exam?
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    2. We at Indian Defence Academy(IDA Chandigarh) are providing SSB Coaching to the interested Students, thus enabling their placement in Army/Navy/Indian Air Force.

      • Candidate gets professionally Trained by the Experts (Ex. Defence Officers Served in SSB).
      • Actual Obstacles/Ground as they exist in SSB’s.
      • Latest Multimedia Class Rooms and Study Material.
      • Extensive Library with Research Resources.
      • Comfortable Accommodation and Hygienic Food.
      • Contact Indian Defence Academy Chandigarh
      On Mobile: 82880-43055

  3. I got recommended for IMA-133 from Bhopal SSB. I just wanted to know when will the merit list be released? & what are the odds of my name not appearing on the merit list. i would really appreciate if you could throw some light.

    1. there will be 2 lists, 1 from UPSC at around 15 June and 2nd will be a final list at Indian army website and that will be issued around last week on June.

    2. isn't it scheduled to be in last week of may ?

    3. yes actually, the list will be out on 15th May

  4. Sir,
    I am married female, can I join Army?
    Is there any chance to join?

    1. hi Jaspreet,,, may i know your age and Qualification?

  5. sir,
    my name is Harshad n m from Faridabad. sir i wanted to ask dat i am applying for Indian Navy 10+2 cadet and I scored xactly 70% in PCM in 10+2 and ithe eligibilty is atleat 70 %. So is there chance for me to have my name in short list. and rite nw i am pursuing my from maharishi dayanad university would it be a problem for me while taking admission in Indian navy ? i would br really oblige if you help me out because i am very much tensed about dis and very desperatly want to get admission in Idian Navy . apart from this i am also preaparing for ssb test from your guidlines . these are really helpful for me . thanks a ton sir .

    1. hi Harshad

      We really admire your spirit. Let me tell you that the competition is very tough hence 70% marks might not get a place in merit list.

      But, as you are already perusing graduation, you will get some golden chances through CDS and other Direct entries of Indian Navy.

  6. hello sir,
    I got a call letter from SSB for Bhopal.I check for that on their website and I also have my name in the list. My SSB is on June 22th but they asked me to bring the form which I applied online. But I have lost that. Please Help me what should I do ? Thanks.
    email-id :
    Mob: 9910523140

  7. hi
    Don't worry,,, they will find your name in the list. What you can do is bringing your call letter along with. I saw many cases like you and doesn't create any problem. So don't worry.

  8. sir my name is Braun i got ssb call for afcat .
    but iam having some problem
    during my B com second second year exam i got nose infection which came down to my throat . some kind of small dots started growing in my throat. and because of its side effects i got fever , headache , flowing nose. but i pushed my self to write the third exam but i don't know when i again again went to sleep after being awake by the teacher. i passed that exam but i am not satisfied with my performance. and i am not able to attend other two exam. but later i applied for all three exams and scored more than seventy in all.

    but sir the problem is i don't know what the interviewer will think when i say him i lost my two exam because of health problem
    and even i think in the same way that health problem is not a excuse for not writing a exam . but i can't helped myself that time and even i heard from certain people that it will give negeative impact and u won't get selected.
    what do u think sir.

    1. Well Barun, i myself used to have some problem in my nose and i got myself operated for that. That is called DNS surgery, and i rid my health Problem.
      What i am trying to tell you that you should get this disease cured, and if you do then you can tell the interviewer about it. There is no shame of doing that.

  9. last date for application fo navy,army,air forsh

  10. sir i have applied for SSC(T)39 and got ssb call letter.but i lost my online application form.and to bring online application form hard copy is also mentioned in call this create any problem?please give me solution ASAP.

  11. sir i have done mistake in filling 10+2 ARMY entry scheme 2012 that i have got attested my all documennts by gazzated officer but i have attested my photograph by nowatry mazistrate .is it will get selected or rejected?i am very do i know
    my PCM% is 77.

    name-chandan kumar

  12. sir want to know that if i had backlogs and cleared all on completion of my degree then am i eligible for cdse

  13. sir i have applied for SSC(T)39 and got ssb call letter.but i lost my online application form.and to bring online application form hard copy is also mentioned in call this create any problem?please give me solution ASAP

    1. If you have call letter, then i guess it will not create any Problem.

  14. Hello name is hitesh and i am pursuing my final year from hyderabad..i have applied for afcat and cds..could you please refer a few good books from which i can prepare

  15. gnd mrning sir....,I am complete BE mechanical engineering in i want to join in army what is best way to service for army

  16. hi sir,

    I have cleared CDS -I 2012 exam and my name appears in IMA. When can i expect the SSB interview ?

  17. hello sir,

    i have cleared the cds 1 2012 exam for ota. when can i expect the ssb interview and call letter. kindly reply.

  18. i hav cleared cds 1 2012 ota.when we will get to know the interview schedule?

  19. is vergnity is necessary to join armed forces

  20. Hello sir , i am in bsc(it) final year also i have NCC certificate,i want to become an army officer,please suggest me

  21. shuvam chakraborty14 August 2012 at 12:17

    hello sir, i have completed B. Sc in zoology. I want to join indian army. How can i apply for it. Please rply...

  22. My name is Harshad Ambulkar and am in 3rd Year B.E.,
    1. Is there any chance for me to go for NSG ??
    2. What are the other ways in which I could join Indian Armed Forces ??
    Please reply

  23. Good evening sir,i am Narsimha from Hyderabad. i have done my B.Tech(CSE) from JNTU HYD recently with 71.89%,and i applied online for 40th ssc tgc for men, and posted it yesterday,but now i have doubt sir that is my online appliction(with passphoto) only attested my gazetted officer not my educational qualification documents such as 10th,10+2, Provisional and marks sheets..they will consider my application or not sir?
    Please clarify my doubt sir
    please mail

  24. Dear Sir,

    Good Morning

    I want to join Territorial Army. So please give me detail information about that.

    What is the selection procedure?
    When application forms will come for next exam?
    How to prepare for exam and How to get best material for exam study?
    When exam result will come?
    what is the next step after clearing exam?

    My details is as below

    Name:Gaurangkumar M. Patel
    Age: 28
    DOB: 3rd Nov. 1984
    Education: BE E&C (pass-out 2009) Diploma Electrical (pass-out 2005)
    Marital status: Married
    Native: Gujarat
    Work location: Bangalore (Karnataka)
    Compnay Types: Private company (Sai Infosystem India Ltd.)

  25. wat does temporary rejection means in medical test????
    I'm having DNS(left)...should I go 4 an operation before appearing 4 medical test.... or should I wait till the medical test??? pls rply..

  26. HELLO SIR I applied for computer science (
    but i done in Information Tecnology
    my call letter also come for SSB INTERVIEWS SSC(T)-40 : APR 2013 COURSE IN THE ARMY
    can i go for interview

  27. I have read all the guides and tips which you have provided in this article.....I was a well written blog..... An individual will get everything here about the ssb examination. Great work :)

  28. sir, l m in indian army and i m pursuing my ma eng lit (pre).can i appear for ssb, my eng and gk is good. plz reply sir.?

  29. I am suffering from Hyper Hydrosis. Will this create any problem durin medicals. Iam appearing for SSC technical entry Please reply???

  30. hello sir , im doing engg 3rd yr i jst wnt 2 knw abt whn i will b the engg girls are eligible 2 fill d form & when it wll b cme .

  31. hello sir, i'm doing M.Phil in physical education and i want to join indian army as an officer. plz sugst me what should do for that? Thank you...

  32. hello sir,
    i have completed my B.E.(COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING) this year i.e( may 2013)passed out,
    And i have got my course completion certificate from my college. When & how should i have to join Indian army (i m sure that i have the physical fitness )plz suggest me sir.

  33. hello sir,
    i m a final year civil engg student and i want to serve indian army as an engineer.. so please can you guide me regarding it..?

  34. respected sir, after recommendation i get merit out form iaf ,are there any chances of enrollment from waiting list

  35. respected sir ,
    i m a student of civil engg. 3rd year and i want to
    become an army officer in the Indian army . so, please tell the way and procedure for that.

  36. Sir I have secured 89.33% marks in PCM. How are the odds that I will get a call for the SSB? And if I do, can you give me some tips for the interview.
    Thank you

  37. sir, i have had a score of 75% aggregate in 10+2 (PCM).
    but, during my engineering i got 2 year backs.
    this is my final year and i'll be clearing with an aggregate of 60% (B.Tech)
    I really want to be a part of the Indian Defence Services.
    what are the options that i have?

    Thank you.

  38. sir, i had 2 subject backs but i have cleared them before my SSB interview dates. Does it cause any problem since i had backs ?

  39. Hi sir....i have completed my b.e in electronics and instrumentation and my % is wil i get in merit list....m a female..m so much worried abt merit list....pls gimme a suggestion sir

  40. sir i got recommended for indian army ues 23 from bangalore this month and have been given 4 kgs overweight... i wanted to know what are my chances of getting merit in.. i am from electronics and comm. branch..

  41. Hello sir,
    This is Gursimran kaur,i am currently in the last year of my B.A. degree.i have already applied for CDS I 2014.i will be applying for the NCC special entry as well. I hope it would not create a problem later to have cleared both entries.

  42. I have completed my B.E. Electronics and Telecommunication. And I want to join the Indian Army. How Can processed..?

  43. Hello sir.
    My ssb interview(cds) date is 15 dec but it will be not feasible for me to go on this date due to my university exam.
    Sir is there any problem if I go on the absentees date which is 13 jan....
    Pls help me sir.

  44. dear sir,
    In word association test can i use the different form of the given word. suppose the word is PLAY then can i use PLAYING in the sentence. please help as quickly as possible.

  45. Dear Sir,

    Greetings !!!

    I, G.Sundhar got call letter for attend the SSB in bangalore. I have 2 doubts i.e.

    1. I am using specs for my clear vision. Am I completely eligible for this SSB selection? By using this specs only I am getting 6/6 vision.
    2. In my engineering 3 rd semester marksheet my name is spelled wrongly as Sundhr instead of Sundhar.But I am sure I will resubmit the certificate if I got selected because I have contacted my college regarding this issue. Is this make any problem to attend the SSB interview coming month?
    I would be grateful if you clear this doubts.

  46. sir
    i am studying my 3rd year in telecommunication and am passionate about joining indian army.
    can you pl suggest me the best entry course (UES or TGC)

    1. Both the entries lead to same Academy and similar training schedule of one year.

  47. sir,
    should i wait for the campus filtration in my col for joining army through UES scheme .

  48. .I have admitted by an ASD surgery(heart related) in my 5th age and a surgical mark is on my chest.So i have a doubt that, i will be negleted in medical it???but now iam physically fit.i am an ncc c certificate holder,,,i am waiting for your valuable reply,,,,

  49. hi sir ,

    My friend has got digital tremor in medical test. what he can do now ?

  50. gud evening sir,
    i'm in class 11th& optd commerce.i want to join army but don't knw wat to do nxt

    1. CDS after graduation.
      AFCAT after graduation.
      Paramilitary after graduation.

  51. hello sir I am Rugwed,ihave done graduation in bachelor of management studies BMS,i want to know that i am eligible for CDS direct entry exam and for further army requirements..

    1. You are eligible...pls check the age limit.

  52. In group discussion which language have to talk I don't know hindi. Can i talk in English Plz reply me sir

  53. Hello Sir,
    I am a girl...can girls join THE INDIAN ARMY?
    I am pursuing BSc (1st year )..
    But i have spectacles.....will I be able to join?

    1. Hi
      You can join through OTA, non tech entry.
      For spectacles, I will be uploading a separate post soon...keep visiting.

  54. anybudy here from General Ranjit Singh acadmy ???????

  55. My hearty greetings before shooting my question sir ,
    I have attended an interview after applying for UES-25 offline,I think that the officer who intervied has recommended me,so what should I expect now and here after.....
    Is there any intermediate interview before the SSB interview.....

    1. You will be informed via call/message/email/letter with instructions and date of further interview.

  56. Sir,
    I have applied for TGC (AEC)-121 : JUL 2015 COURSE and I am shortlisted for SSB Interview in ALLAHABAD.But I have lost my online application of AEC.
    please help me ,how can I reprint my application form.

    1. Hi Nitesh
      In this case please carry the print out of list of shortlisted cadets.

  57. Sir, I got selected for SSB through University Entry Scheme -25. So what preparations should i do for getting selected....?
    Plz & Thnx...

  58. Sir, I cleared SSB written exam. Can u please suggest a place/tuition in Delhi where I can prepare for the my interview.

  59. Sir I am Studying currently in BCS-2nd year and i want to join IMA. how can i Join IMA please guide me. Thanks and Regards

  60. Good afternoon sir. I am studying engineering 3rd year in computer science department. I want to join in Indian father is a ex-service man, and I have NCC 'C' certificate with b grade, and also I am an NSS and SPORTS student. Please suggest me how can I join in Indian army. what type of exams I am eligible for, and when I have to apply

  61. sir. I am eagerly waiting for your reply.

  62. Good Evening sir. i am a girl and 22 year old. I have completed my graduation ( Now i m doing job as a assistant accountant but I want to join in Indian army. My father is a ex-service man, Please suggest me how can I join in Indian army. what type of exams I am eligible for, and when I have to apply
    Plz reply sir as soon as possible

  63. Sir I want to know whether I can apply for JAG entry in Indian Army in my final semester of LLB ? Or only after completing my LLB?

  64. Sir, I lost my provisional certificate of post graduation. My AFSB is on 11th Jan,2016. But I have the scanned copy, can I take print out and show this at AFSB?

  65. hello sir am a player am got married because of some problem age s 26 my aim is to join in army or police am completed mca whether am eligible for it or suggest me some other thinks thank u sir

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    1. Sir do u have any centre around mumbai area please inform me

  77. Sir i have many doubts please help me out. My aim is to join indian air force
    1)Is there any different ssb interview to join indian air force
    2)best ssb and afcat books
    3)how to preapre for PABT test
    4) please suggest good ssb and afcat coaching centre around mumbai
    Sir i will be really greatfull to you. Please clarify my doubts as soon as possible. I am in grade X now and i will enter into 11 std. this year(2016) i am choosing sience.

  78. SSB Coaching in Delhi
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    Want to crack SSB exams? Surely you will get proper guidance and training for your SSB exams at majorkalshiclasses.

  79. Can anyone let me know that dates for Tgc 123

  80. Can anyone let me know that dates for Tgc 123

  81. Hello Sir.
    My name is Aniket. My Qualification is B.E(I.T) 2015 Batch Passout with NO gaps & NO year downs nothin at all.
    I have a 1st Class Aggregate in B.E with 62%, 10th - 76% & 12th - 53.67%.
    I'm Currently I'm employed as a fresher in a firm in Pune, Maharashtra.
    I'm highly inspired to join the forces from very beggining, mostly Our Indian Army. I just dont have any guidance for this.
    Please guide me based on my stats.
    Without loosing the job Can I prepare, attempt the exams ? SSB or CDS ?
    or if need be ill leave job too. Just dont want to be late, or regret for my life abt this. please help.

    Just guide me in all possible ways you can sir to be a part of our Army.
    thank you.
    can reach me at :

  82. sir ,
    is there any information about ssb for OTA by cdse 2 2015.

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  84. sir my branch in engineering was electronics and communication engineering i was applying for ssc(W)T course in telecommunication branch i got a call letter whether i have to attend the interview or not?

  85. i got 77% in pcm can i have chance to select in ssb tes 36 ?

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  87. hello sir, I am in 4th yr of law graduation and I want to join Indian Army, whether through CDS or JAG. please suggest me all the options.

  88. Sir/mam..i jst completed my graduation last year ..and i got 'A' grade in NCC 'C' certificate but i'm not totally clear in my last uear i got re appear..tell me plzzz can i apply for SSB interview

  89. sir is it true that ssc tech candidates have more chances of getting merit out comapred to cds?

  90. Hi
    I have completed my llb and was planning to fill the form for JAG. I have read all the instructions regarding the medical, fitness etc
    I wanted to know about what all things I need to know that where should I start from, regarding the Jag selection.

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  92. hello sir i am vibhor agrawal i have compleated my post graduation in law (LLM) and i want to join indian army as a JAG could you please tell me what area of law coverd in JAG exam what subjects are coverd of law in this exam.

  93. Hello sir,

    I,shirish Babar, got selected for ssc (tech) 48 Indian army for ssb interview. Please tell me how to prepare for ssb interview or is there any need to join class? Please let me know sir

  94. Hello sir,,my percentage in BE is 68%. is this possible to shortlist for ssb

  95. Sir plz help me for the preparation
    of SSBW(tech)19 .plz send details and tips and books

  96. Sir plz help me for the preparation
    of SSBW(tech)19 .plz send details and tips and books

  97. Do a person with Intermittent Exotropia get rejected in medical?

  98. Can a person with Intermittent Exotropia get selected through cds or ssb


  99. Hello sir, Good evening
    Sir I am Gaurav I want to join Indian army. Now I am in 3rd year of my btech at sardar vallabhbhai national Institute of Technology and I also completed my 10+2 with PCM AND with 85% is there any chance in SCC AND TGS FOR ME.

  100. Sir i hav got digital tremor in medical
    what are ny chancer now

  101. Sir i hav got digital tremor in medical
    what are ny chancer now

  102. UPSC CDS Application Form 2017 is going to be started anytime, apply online UPSC CDS Exam 2017 which is going to be started soon on the official website of UPSC CDS.

  103. I want to know about the complete procedure of CDS Application Form,How can i apply online for it, when will the online forms get commence and what is closing date. Tell me the offcicial website of it, What is qualification for the exam.I did graduation with 52% Aggregate, is i am applicable to apply online for this exam?

  104. Here we come with fantastic news, All those aspirants who are looking for CDS Application Form Online form since long time, they can download it forom the official website. All the essential information related to selection procedure, age relaxation, qualification are available on the official advertisement. Candidates must visit the official website before applying online.

  105. Nice details provided here with respect to the SSB Recruitment for all of you.

  106. Thanks for the post. I will keep these tips in mind and well-prepare my defence. These tips are well structured and appear to be very useful. For Defence Examination

  107. SSB Interview Preparation 2018, How to Prepare For SSB 5 Days Interview: Service selection board conduct interviews those candidates who qualify written exam & other exam.

  108. Hello sir.. I had applied for SSC jag.. i have been shortlisted and got date 1st december.. if i want to change the date what i have to do ? And also pls suggest me i am not prepared at all..i have just completed my graduation. Should i proceed with this ? Pls help me out with this..

  109. CDS Online Form 2018 is going to be started in November 2018 on the official website of UPSC. All Candidates who want to fill CDS 2018 Online Form, they need to check eligibility criteria of UPSC CDS Exam 2018.

  110. Nice Information sir, you have updated CDS Online Form 2018 complete details which are really useful for us. thank you so much.

  111. When will CDS Online Form 2018 come. Give me complete details which are really useful for us. thank you so much.

  112. Candidates can check CDS Online Form 2018 notification to apply online by last date.

  113. CDS Application Form 2018 According to UPSC rules graduate are eligible for CDS Online Form Registration.

  114. Amazing post!
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  115. The interested aspirants can apply in the SSB Recruitment 2018 in the mentioned format in the official notification.

  116. Interested aspirants visit on official website to download the official notification of SSB Recruitment 2018 and check all eligibility criteria about it.

  117. Thank you sir, you have provide me good information of SSB Recruitment 2018 this information is really useful for me to apply online for SSB.

  118. New SSB Recruitment 2018 Notification will be released soon on the official website. Candidates can check SSB Vacancies 2018 Notification for freshers.

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