Individual Speech Test
Speech test is given to see if the candidate has the power of arresting the attention of the group.In fact, it simply means that the candidate is able to impress others by the manner of expression,fluency,clarity of thoughts and all this need to be done in just 3 minutes.
You will be given 3 to 4 subjects, out of which candidates need to choose only one topic.He/She can prepare the topic for 1 minute before making the speech.
Tips for Individual Speech Test
- Only select that topic about which you have the maximum no. of points in your mind.
- Arrange your points in a proper manner before starting your speech.
- Stand in a easy and gentle way, do not stand on one leg.
- Avoid Hand movements and leg movements as it shows your nervousness.
- Wish G.T.O and other mates before you start your speech.
- Be clear with your thoughts and approach.Avoid politics and controversial topics.
Examples of Individual Spech Test Topics
Following are some topics, which you can practice upon
- Disarmament
- Money- evil or blessing?
- Book you like most.
- Role of UNA
- Compulsory Military training.
- Which comes first, mental health or physical health?
- India's publicity abroad- is it adequate?
- Discipline and it's important.
- Which of the three services- Air Force, Navy or Army- should be increased in India?
- Science can abolish poverty in backyard countries.
- Classless society
- Importance of hobbies.
- My ideal of a teacher.
- Dignity of labour.
- cable TV
- Internet
- Medical Tourism