
Monday, 11 March 2013

Will Subject Backlog Create Problem in SSB Interview

Do Active Backlog Create Problem in SSB Interview

There are a number of candidates who have this query whether or not subject backlogs create problem during SSB Interview or whether a candidate is eligible or not for SSB Interview if he/she has a backlog. The backlog may or may not create problem for a candidate which is purely depends upon the type of entry he/she is applying for.

Subject Backlog Vs SSB Interview


You are eligible for CDSE can apply for the same even if you have backlogs. One can attend the SSB interview after clearing the CDSE written exam. But the backlogs must be clear as per the mentioned dates only when you get recommend. If your don’t have the final results or mark sheets for the final sem or backlog, you can carry an application mentioning the same through your college.


AFCAT do not allow an individual for AFSB interview if one is having an active backlog.

Navy Direct Entries

No active backlogs for Navy Direct Entries as they shortlist candidates based on their overall percentage. Navy always keep high cut off percentage and some of the times they even don’t allow candidates with backlogs history (including cleared backlogs).

TGC and SSC-tech

One can apply with active backlogs but you must be eligible with the TGC and SSC-tech cut off %.


Make sure to read the advertisement before applying any SSB interview. Try to submit all documents as per the mentioned dates in the advertisement.

Candidates who are unable to submit their original documents before joining training academy are considered on bond basis, they are given with some more time to submit their docs. Entry like CDSE supports this.



  • Backlogs can hamper your chances for SSB interview.
  • Active backlog may affect your personal interview.
  • Active backlog may create problem during submitting original documents in time.

Sources - ssbcrack

What Are the Qualities Expected of an Indian Army Officer?

Qualities of an Indian Army Officer

Qualities of an Indian Army Officer

Joining Indian Army is a very respectable job. Every year a number of army officers are commissioned who are in charge of leading enlisted soldiers into battle and protecting them from unnecessary harm while taking on responsibility for completing the mission at hand. Thus, in order to ensure its officers achieve these goals, the Army expects many attributes in its officers when selecting them for commission. 

The qualities are:-


  • Intelligence

The Army expects its officers to be above average intelligence as they are going to handle a capital of responsibility in planning and executing missions. TO get eligible in the Army, it only requires a high school diploma or its equivalent; officers must have at least a bachelor's degree from a four-year university prior to earning their commission.

  • Self-Discipline

Self-discipline is a major aspect as it allows the officers to keep a cool head under drastic conditions and use a great deal of self-discipline in the face of danger. An officer who lacks in self-discipline may put his subordinates in danger and arouse panic in the ranks.

  • Confidence

The officers should have strong confidence level to make a good decision in flexible and often changing environments. It will enhance problem-solving skills and intelligence with the passage of time.

  • Physical Fitness

An Army officer should not only mentally fit but physically as well. The officers should be physically fit enough to overcome any tiredness or exhaustion.

  • Respect

Army always expects its leaders to respect their subordinates and to assure their well-being. Officers must have ability to earn the loyalty of their troops by showing them respect and willing to protect them from undue harm.
